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Do What You Say You'll Do in Business - Show Your Reliability

Dec 19, 2019

How is your reliability? Do you do what you say you’ll do? Are your actions in alignment with your words?

We’ve all heard the saying “Actions speak louder than words” (Abraham Lincoln). 

While that is true, I recently came across another quote from Abigail Adams, wife of American President, John Adams, who said:

“We have too many high-sounding words and to0 few actions that correspond with them.”

While that was written 245 years ago, it got me thinking about what we do in business today. It’s more than about being reliable.

I believe there are three ways to look at and interpret Abigail Adams’ quote.


High-sounding words could be complex multi-syllable words that the average person doesn’t use on an everyday basis.

Equally, it could be the use of jargon, terminology or abbreviations which aren’t well known or understood.

In “accountants-speak”, like many industries, we have lots of...

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