Break-even is the minimum amount of income you need to cover all your costs. It’s the bare minimum number you need to keep your head above water each month.
Oddly enough, we’ll start with your non-business expenses. Your personal expenses. While break even is all about the business, we need to understand what you need to be drawing out of the business to look after yourself. Think of this as your personal break even!
1. Start by writing a list of your personal expenses
These are your portion of the household expenses to keep the house running smoothly. We’re talking mortgage, rent, electricity, telephone, clothing, entertainment, schooling, food.
If you're already drawing a certain amount out of your business - as a salary or drawings – this is a good...
The Business Barometer will measure your business finances across three critical areas: Core Concepts, Focused Management and Planned Growth.
on How to Improve Your Cash Flow in 5 Easy Steps