Unlock the secrets to your business success
In my latest book I share my own stories and mistakes in building successful service businesses reflecting on the struggles and challenges and how each required focusing on different numbers.
In Strangled By The Numbers you will:
Whether you want to accelerate your business, avoid expensive growth mistakes, or you’re trying to come to grips with your numbers, Strangled By The Numbers is for you.
Strangled By The Numbers was awarded a GOLD award in the Business Category of the Non Fiction Book Awards in 2021
Paperback, PDF or a sample chapter. Click on the offer below.
"I wish I’d read Strangled By The Numbers when I was first starting out in business. It would have saved me a lot of stress, confusion, and decisions that ultimately cost me dearly. Even after six years in business on a steep learning curve, I still learnt more from this wonderful book."
"Strangled By The Numbers is the book I wish I'd read before I started my first business. It's a no-nonsense book about what numbers matter in business, how they relate to each other and how they underpin a profitable successful business. Amanda also shares her ups and downs with numbers in business with candor and humour."
"The one thing I’ve learned to count on from Amanda Fisher is to expect the unexpected. And with Strangled by the Numbers, she delivers in every way. A beautiful insight into a remarkable human being, a deep and powerful way to look at the numbers that have meaning in our business life, and a well crafted series of deeply engaging stories. "
"Not enough business owners understand, 'it's not how much money you make, it's how much you keep'. That's why you need this book. Through evidence, examples, stories and quotes Amanda Fisher will help you understand how to get back control of your business and bank more profits, once and for all."
"In Amanda’s invaluable model we find important accounting concepts and her extensive real-world experience packaged into a framework that will serve to guide business success. So much gold here in making accounting meaningful and connecting the pieces to reveal the relevance to the business as a whole."
Check out the following
“Connected Technology – How to Transform Your Business with Cloud Accounting” is a must-read to understand how cloud accounting can revolutionise your business.
In The Connected Accounting Practice, I explain the three primary keys to unlocking my success, and how my fellow accountants can do it too.
It’s my step by step guide for understanding your business numbers, cash flow, and how good financial reporting will always result in better decisions for your business.
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